Happy fishing this time to discuss the tackle used for fishing with fly fishing techniques. In fly fishing, tackle the main use of fly rod, fly fishing reel special, special fly fishing line and hooks are already in fly tying is usually called.

Fly fishing with a rod designed to cast the fly by using the momentum of the fly line and controlling the direction and distance. A good fly rod that will fit a particular line. faktor2 to consider in selecting a fly rod, among others:

Budget - adjust your budget fly rod (although many people say the price does not lie). For beginners should buy bamboo fly rods to reduce costs.
Warranty - typically several fly rod manufacturers provide lifetime warranties.
Fish Species - Species of fish what would you fishing? Where you will use (in the sea, fast-flowing river, or lake)?
Fishing Distance - How far is your normal fishing rods? Generally fish can usually be fished within 20ft of where we stand. Choose a rod that can do the overhead cast is comfortable up to 45ft. This will meet the needs of fishing in general.
Gender - fly rod selection for men different from women. Because men have a stronger upper body than in women, then the fly rod is longer for men than women. The length is usually 9ft rod for men while for women usually 8ft by 8.5ft.
Casting Ability - in this case distinguished between a fishing novice, intermediate and advanced. This capability will determine the selection of rod flexibility or action. With a medium action rod is usually suitable for novice anglers, intermediate to advanced. While fast action suitable for the advanced angler.
Fly Lines - the selection of fly rod should also be with the size and type of fly line you are taking.

In fly fishing reel fishing techniques used attached to the lower end of the fly rod is used. Tibor fly reels are used for loading and the fly line backing and fly Waders are sometimes used to control fish. If we are fishing with other techniques, see the fly reel seems too simple. fly reel seen many pit side, it pays to reduce weight and also to drain the water attached to the fly line. Fly reels are commonly used for freshwater but some are made for saltwater, it is distinguished from the material used. Drag from the system used a simple (click and pawl system) can be set up drag. Fly reel is also made in several sizes to suit the size of the fly line and rod.
Advice in selecting a fly reel, should be tried first before buying. Wherever possible buy fly reel fly rod along with the purchase so that we can know its balanced rig. Do not let the reel that we buy too big and too heavy for us to lose balance rod that causes reduced comfort.